<h3>Write sentences explaining what you would do to solve the problems.</h3>
<em>1.</em><em> Un año antes de jubilarse, a la señora Ferrer la despiden. </em>
<em>Answer 1: Yo </em><u><em>demandaría</em></u><em> a la empresa para conseguir que me readmitieran. </em>
Translation 1: A year before retiring, Mrs. Ferrer was fired. I would sue the company to get me reinstated.
<em>2.</em><em> Sara siempre pierde el autobús escolar para llegar a la escuela. </em>
<em>Answer 2: Yo me </em><u><em>levantaría</em></u><em> antes, para no perder el autobús. </em>
Translation 2: Sara always misses the school bus to get to school. I would get up earlier, so as not to miss the bus.
<em>3.</em><em> Al señor Ordóñez ya no le quedan los pantalones. </em>
<em>Answer 3: Yo me </em><u><em>compraría</em></u><em> unos pantalones nuevos. </em>
Translation 3: Mr. Ordóñez no longer fits his pants. I would buy some new pants.
<em>4.</em><em> El presidente es corrupto y los reporteros no dicen nada. </em>
<em>Answer 4: Yo los </em><u><em>denunciaría</em></u><em> a la policía. </em>
Translation 4: The President is corrupt and the reporters say nothing. I would report them to the police.
<em>5.</em><em> Felipe tiene una enfermedad incurable y el médico le dice que le queda un año de vida. </em>
<em>Answer 5: Yo </em><u><em>pediría</em></u><em> una segunda opinión médica. </em>
Translation 5: Felipe has an incurable disease and the doctor tells him that he has one year to live. I would ask for a second medical opinion.