You can become a server and work on your communication skills which will help lead to you getting a job requiring you to use your words
D) a local news station's statistics on vehicle collisions involving teen drivers
The question asks about reliable information. A teenager's blog and a parent forum both contain personal opinions and therefore would not be considered reliable sources for information about the driving tendencies of teenage drivers. A streamed video of a lesson on driving safety may have specific information that would be considered reliable but it is more of an instruction manual on what to do. The best reliable source would be statistics on vehicle collisions involving teen drivers.
The answer to this is probably B.
Diplomat Long Term insurance
Diplomat Long Term insurance Coinsurance?
For treatment received outside the U.S : No coinsurance.
For treatment received within the U.S :
Inside of the United States: The plan pays 80% up to $5,000 of eligible costs, then 100% to the medical maximum. Additional $250 deductible for each emergency room visit as a result of an Illness is available. The emergency room deductible will be waived if hospital admittance is within 12 hours of the incident.
Outside of the United States: The plan pays 100% to the medical maximum outside USA and Canada.