The best-known form of imprinting is filial imprinting, in which a young animal acquires several of its behavioral characteristics from its parent. It is most obvious in nidifugous birds, which imprint on their parents and then follow them around.
In summary, to meet the status of a scientific theory, the theory must be falsifiable or testable.
The two population will become separate species due to allopatric speciation
Allopatric speciation is also known as geographic speciation. In this speciation two populations of the same species isolated geographically from each other which prevents gene flow between them and the two populations evolve separately and over time, it leads to the creation of a separate species.
So here as interbreeding within the hybrid zone of the mountain pass decreased over time so it will lead to speciation in these populations and they will evolve into two separate populations due to lack of gene flow as a result of geographical isolation.
the organ system
the levels of organization go from
•organ systems