The relief sculptures on the support poles, wall planks, and lower end of the rafters of the building above represent Ancestors.
Relief structure is a type of art form where the figures or pictures are carved from the background which usually consist of plane surface. If we look at the sculptures of ancient Egypt, we will find a wide variety of relief structures. Some sculptures are carved on the support holes, some on the wall planks, while some on the ceilings or any other flat surface. All these carvings represents our Ancestors. For example: there are some relief sculptures which represents the military campaigns of Constantine while some represents the mocking of Christ. Likewise there are numerous such sculptures throughout the world depicting the history and memories of our great ancestors.
<u>In Japan, the art of painting is one of the oldest, with the richest tradition, and most highly regarded out of all art techniques. </u><u>Japanese paintings have a wide array of styles in which they can be expressed that vary in genre and aesthetics. </u>
It started to develop in the prehistoric period, <u>and it was developed during the whole of Japanese history.</u> During this time, there were influences of China, as well as European countries, on the art. It remained very distinctive from all the other styles of art, and highly valued in Japan as well as globally.