The section 1, article 5 of the constitution of the United States of America bears the Full faith and credit clause, which highlights that the states within the country have duty to respect the judicial proceedings, public acts and records of every other state. A continental congress committee reported in 1781 that one of the things required by this clause of the constitution is that the operation of the judicial proceedings and the act of one state’s court contravenes those of the other states where they are being declared.
The Judicial System claims justice in the order of the court
yes we follow rules and be safer in roads .Here are a few basic road safety rules for you can begin with.
Know Your Signals. ...
Stop, Look, And Cross. ...
Pay Attention – Listen. ...
Don't Run On Roads. ...
Always Use Sidewalks. ...
Crossroads and Pedestrian Crossing. ...
Never Stick Hands Outside The Vehicle. ...
Never Cross Road At Bends.
Roman-Dutch law (Dutch: Rooms-Hollands recht, Afrikaans: Romeins-Hollandse reg) is an uncodified, scholarship-driven, and judge-made legal system based on Roman law as applied in the Netherlands in the 17th and 18th centuries. As such, it is a variety of the European continental civil law or ius commune.
The scope of the authority and power held by an agency is called a attorney... I hope this helps.