they are positive. No one is going to write you an essay.
He can be explain as such due to his radical ideals and the ways he pursued them. He saw his views as right so he set out to accomplishing them anyway he possibly could using extremely harsh solutions like the gas chamber being a fanatical despot in creating in his words a great germany
4. Native Americans were forced out by competition for resources and hunger.
Andrew Jackson made an act "Removal Act" forcing Native Americans to move to another land, causing Trail Of Tears. Many had died by starvation and no warmth through the way. Americans wanted resources like gold, found in the Native American.
The answer is to slowly readmit the confederate states to the union
Because that flag represents a culture that most do not appreciate. It shows the mistakes of the USA and how we treated humans like animals it was immoral, and we needed to grow from it and remember the mistakes not celebrate them.