for John's affair with Abigail
Elizabeth tells John that she "kept a cold house and" keeping "a cold house" means that she never was not loving or proper wife
Hi, there!
If you mean Percy then it would've been Grover who was his best friend! He's pretty much a Satyr - which basically means he has goat like similarities! If I'm not mistaken it does say he's a goat below the waist and he does have horns!
Good luck, rockstar! Have a great day!
According to Arthur Miller, <em>The Crucible</em> has become his most-produced play because most people see the story as their own. It is about witch-hunt in Salem and the trials that took place there in 1692. Miller compares in the play these witch trials with the ones that took place in the U.S. People feared being accused of having communist ideas by the McCarthyism without proper evidence. There was an anti-communist rage that reached tremendous proportions, there was not just a hunt for subversive people, but for ideas. Miller himself was prosecuted and convicted. <em>The Crucible</em> is one of the surviving fragments of the McCarthy period.
Light represents hope, imagination, unrealistic ideas, and the illusion of the narrator, while darkness represents reality, the true nature of things, and despair of the narrator.
The short story "Araby" by James Joyce is a coming-of-age story of a young unnamed narrator who has fantasized a lot about a girl and also about everything that is outside of his reach. This story delves into the theme of imagination vs. reality, where the narrator's wild imagination contrasted greatly with the true nature of the real world.
Symbolism is one style that Joyce used in his short story. He presents the image of light and dark to signify two very different things, as is evident. He uses <u>light to show the illusion, unrealistic ideas, and hope</u> that the narrator has for the much older girl. <u>Darkness, in return, represents the failure, the despair, the reality, and the true nature </u>of the narrator's predicament.