Answer: Op-Ed : aims to persuade, expresses opinion, uses loaded language
News Article : aims to inform, uses neutral language, reports facts
Republic government is elected and the head of the state is not by inheritance but by concensus of the people and elected for a fixed tenure and one of the features of dem
n the Constitution
the first 10 are in the Bill of Rights
Most likely A
Cubans, Greeks, and Italians are the most known for cigars, when you google Did (B,C,D) make cigars? they all ask if you want to try a cigar from that place, however if you google A then you get information on Winston Churchill and his cigar habits
Well in the past after 911 we had to go into Iraq to maintain peace and order for both the people who reside there and the rest of the world to try to control terrorism and dictatorships from using weapons of mass destruction , for example Saddam Hussain , & Gadaffi. Today it is needed now more than ever due to the escalated amount of terrorists attacks reoccurring and terror cells sich as ISIS located in many Middle Eastern countries such as Iraq.