Between 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies established more than 44,000 camps and other incarceration sites (including ghettos). The perpetrators used these locations for a range of purposes, including forced labor, detention of people deemed to be "enemies of the state," and mass murder. Millions of people suffered and died or were killed. Among these sites was Dachau, the longest operating camp.
<em>He sent a message that blacks also are humans. they can do things white's can do!</em>
<em>It's like the opposite now, because there were mostly white now there are mostly people of color.</em>
<em>Having all the actors be people of color sends the message that America's strength is </em><u><em>of color.</em></u><em> </em>
<em>Miranda is familiar with racial dynamics when it comes to the world of theater. He was born in New York, but his family is from Puerto Rico and Mexico. At some point, Miranda started writing his own work just to carve out a lane for himself. “I was in college, and I realized I didn’t dance well enough to play Paul in ‘A Chorus Line’ nor Bernardo, and if you’re a Puerto Rican dude, that’s what you get,” Miranda said. “So I began writing ‘In the Heights’ because I wanted a life in this business.” But back to “Hamilton.” </em><em>In other words, He sent a message that blacks are also humans. they can do things white's can do!</em>
<em>Most Americans (65%) – including majorities across racial and ethnic groups – say it has become more common for people to express racist or racially insensitive views since Trump was elected president. A smaller but substantial share (45%) says this has become more acceptable. </em><em>It's like the opposite now, because there were mostly white now there are mostly people of color.</em>
<em>The racial stereotypes of early American history had a significant role in shaping attitudes toward African-Americans during that time. Images of the Sambo, Jim Crow, the Savage, Mammy, Aunt Jemimah, Sapphire, and Jezebelle may not be as powerful today, yet they are still alive. </em><em>Having all the actors be people of color sends the message that America's strength is </em><u><em>of color.</em></u><em> </em>