I believe the best answer for this question is "entropy." Entropy is a scientific term referring to thermodynamics. It measures both the order and the disorder of a system. Order, or disorder, are both defined by how close the system is to equilibrium. Hope this helps. Also, keep in mind to ask questions in the proper category - this would be most suited to science, rather than English. Thanks.
lasted all night when the speaker says "morning lit", and, by expressing her relief and how peaceful she thought everything was after the storm had passed, the speaker intensifies the idea that it had been a terrifying storm.
came, changed, wore, watched, had, i've never seen, given up, noticed, could, was, were gone
Answer: Text structure refers to how the information within a written text is organized. This strategy helps students understand that a text might present a main idea and details; a cause and then its effects; and/or different views of a topic.