Both caves have paintings of animals.
Both use different colors to paint the animals.
The bison is the primary animal painted in the Altamira caves. While in Lascaux the paintings show: bison, deer, horses, and cattle – all running across the walls.
In Altamira caves there are at least 16 bison grouped in the center of the cave with 2 boars and 1 deer. In Lascaux the animals are dispersed in various places of the cave.
This affirmation is true. Tony Iommi said the day was October 16th, 1969 and that they recorded most of the songs in one run. The album was released four months after they recorded it, on February 13th, 1970. In the album's cover you can see a strange woman standing in front of a white house and also a tree trunk.
an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations is known as meme
You are a fart?! lol good one. BUTTT it could be air too
This is a hard one to answer. The reason is that you are asked to distinguish between 2 schools of thought that are very close together. Not only that, but the characteristic you are looking for is not mentioned in either description.
Since semiotics brings in many more fields of study than does iconography, then I would go with iconography. This school of thought seems content just to find the symbols according to its description. What is done with them is mentioned in the other school but is not elaborated upon.
My answer would be iconography.