Thoughtcrime is negative or unorthodox thoughts towards Big Brother and/or the Party. Winston is constantly comitting thoughtcrime in 1984. Mainly in his diary, where he constantly insults the government.
The best and most correct answer among the choices provided by your question is the first choice or lettter A.
The plot elements that came first in the plot of ""The Wager" is "</span><span>The banker reads the note the jurist has written that says he (the jurist) feels that men are hypocritical."</span>
I hope my answer has come to your help. Thank you for posting your question here in Brainly. We hope to answer more of your questions and inquiries soon. Have a nice day ahead!
because it shows how the seismograph is recording.
a seismograph is an instrument that measures and records details of earthquakes, such as force and duration.
just by looking at the image it shows people observing the seismograph measuring the environment around us which is what a seismograph does
and by doing so its able to predict abnormalities and predict earthquakes
Someone could instill eloquence in you by teaching you different speaking techniques. To evoke a sullen response, someone could punish another person. Yes, you could cajole a friend to dispel a bad mood. Cajoling your friend could mean talking them into no longer feeling bad.
Hopefully this helps :)
1. long
2. fast
3. tall
4. old
5. deep
6. often
7. long
8. fast
Explanation: It's right. Trust me.