Well, when icebergs melt in Antartica and in Greenland this causes the sea level to rise which creeps up on beaches and can take land and submerge it into water.
Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie use their money for the public good in a way that they embarked on huge, independent philanthropic efforts.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Carnegie and Rockefeller, who were the richest men in the nation, started massive, independent philanthropy initiatives. In the final decades of his life, each donated hundreds of millions of dollars. And each endowed a foundation that continues to be active in philanthropy.
Carnegie and Rockefeller focused on issues like health care, scientific research, and education in order to address the core causes of major global issues. They donated money to scientific advancement.
To learn more about Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie here
Wasn't a lot of annual purchases. This lead to a lot of Tabacco farmers ending up with really bad debt that mounted over the years they owned the farm.