B. Leslie had more dopamine receptors than other participants.
Ritalin (methylphenidate hydrochloride) is a central nervous system stimulant drug used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Ritalin also serves to treat narcolepsy, a sleep disorder that is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, even if the person has slept well at night.
Ritalin increases the activity of certain areas of the brain that are poorly active, promoting increased attention and concentration, and decreasing impulsive behavior. In narcolepsy, Ritalin works by relieving sleep throughout the day. The mechanism of action of Ritalin is the same as that of amphetamines and other stimulants, ie it increases the concentration and reuse of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. For this reason, people with more dopamine receptors in their brain (such as Leslie) when taking ritalin feel pleasant feelings.
Action: Setting a good sleep schedule and making sure you get the right amount of sleep every night.
Barrier(s): insomnia, excessive homework/other activities, people who wake you up, etc.
During the childhood, the physical development is more rapid in infancy.
From birth to eight years old, it is a time of tremendous growth. Between birth and age three a child ordinarily doubles in height and quadruples in weight. Body proportions shift, in order for the infant whose head is almost one-fourth of its body weight altogether now is a toddler with a more balanced, adult-like appearance. Around this age a typical three year old will have mastered walking, sitting, scribbling, toilet-training, using a utensil, and sufficient eye-coordination despite rapid growth.
Between ages five and three children will have developed fine-motor skills.
Physical growth typically slows down between five and eight years old, whilst body proportions and motor skills are becoming more sufficient.
Children also develop a spoken vocabulary that ranges between 300 and 1,000 words within the first three years of life.
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Nope, I didn't
Goes to show that you learn something new everyday!