Tree height: 32 2/5
Flagpole: 5/9 * 32 2/5
Ramiro: 3/10 * Flagpole
5/9 * 32 2/5 =
= 5/9 * 162/5 =
= 1/9 * 162/1 =
= 1/1 * 18/1 =
= 1 * 18 =
= 18 [feet]
So the flagpole is 18 feet tall. Ramiro is 3/10 of its height, so:
3/10 * 18 =
= 54/10 =
= 5 4/10 =
= 5 2/5
Answer: Ramiro is 5 2/5 feet tall.
See explanation for answer.
Maybe instead of saying "ain't nothing I want more than your love" say "I want nothing more than your love" for a classier and more professional line.
I would reccommend taking out "you're a catipiller, you're becoming a beuatiful butterfly" because in my opinion it almost seems like your belittling the person you love. Try using a different metaphor.
"ill love you to the day that I die" should be "I'll love you till the day that I die" which I might also change because it sounds very similar to a line in the song "Piano Man" by Billy Joel. Just a tip.
When you say "love is all I need, love is all I want" maybe say "your love is all I need, your love is all I want"
Try creating stanzas, it will help your poem look more finished.
I love the comparison "like roses you have thorns" and "like a bull I have horns" cause that's basically you admitting that you know neither of you are perfect.
I love your ending, it's very well thought out.
I hope I helped!
Have a lovely day!
once apon a time there was a dog named henry. Henry had no friends to play with at all. One day henry was walking along the sidewalk when he heard a meow, Thinking he had scored dinner he went to see where it came from. There under a house that had fell was a tiny kitten slowly dieing.
Henry did not like cats but he loved kitties. He did not know what to do. If he saved it he would be a disgrace to his family, if he didnt he would be a disgrace to himself. So henry walked up to the kitty and pulled it out. The kitty purred at henry and he knew he couldn't do it
3 years later
henry and the kitty are now bestfriends henry has a wife and the kitty has a husband he thinks everyday of how he did the right thing, but hasnt spoken to his mom in three years.
essions have often disappeared, not through any evolutionary process but owing to the conscious action of a minority. Two recent examples were explore