Population means the number of people in a geographic area. It can also be used for subgroups of people or animals.
Match the following:
a. mangrove 3. a small tropical tree that grows in wetlands near salt water
b. land degradation 2. reduced ability of the soil to support life
c. hectare 1. (ha) a unit of measure equal to roughly 2.5 acres or exactly 10,000 square meters
d. salinization 4. the development of higher than normal salt content in the soil
You can try to think of it as a picture in your head.
India was colonized in 1947.
On June 15, 1947, the British House of Commons passed the Indian Independence Act, or Mountbatten Plan, which divided India into two dominions, India and Pakistan.
The first people to be called English were the Anglo-Saxons