Great for reading comprehension and problem solving. Think-alouds help students to consciously monitor and reflect upon what they are learning. This strategy works well when teachers read a story or problem out loud and periodically stop to verbalize their thoughts. This allows students to follow the teacher's thinking process, which gives them the foundation they need for creating their own strategies and processes that can be useful for understanding what they are trying to comprehend.
poach, or "to poach" is from the Middle English word "pocchen".
It means bagged, enclosed in a bag, or like a pouch.
The word poaching is a noun and is the illegal practice of trespassing on another person's property to hunt or kill game without permission from the person who owns the land.
Can be used as a verb - he is poaching/he is trespassing, stealing, taking fish or game illegally
I would think that the most common would be to trespass on someone's property to hunt or fish without permission. (4)
If you are in a part of the world that eats a lot of eggs, then poach is used as a verb to cook - to poach eggs - poach in a hot liquid but not boiling.
People should not poach wildlife for money.
-She plots a murder against Duncan
-she is more ambitious than her husband
Be worried and ask where I have a been.