<span>The Principal
(School Name)
(School Address)
30th October, 2016
Sub: School Leaving Certificate & Character certificate
</span><span>Respected Mam/Sir,
</span><span>I hereby request you to kindly issue a School leaving certificate & Character certificate for me. My Class is ............. and Admission Number-........... since I have already discussed the whole issue with concerned authority.
</span><span>I take this opportunity to thank you and the staff members for the kind cooperation and support given to me during my past academic year.
<span>I wish all the success to your organization.
<span>Thanking You.
Yours Faithfully
Student Name :
Class :
Roll Number : </span>
To find the unit rate, you have to divide the cost ($12) by the amount (9)
12/9= 1.333
Therefore, the unit rate is $1.33
Hope this helps :)
Focus: the focus in the first passage is about how he came to be in time everything he went through stating his full name birth date and birth place also the dates of everything that had happened in his life
Amount of detail: the amount of detail is of an outsider looking in only stating what was already been said and detail was more dry than and auto-bio would have been because the person writing about it wasn't the person who experienced these things and didn't hear the exact words that were said at certain moments
use of language: this type of language sounds more like their trying to tell you not show you what happened so you cant really imagen what happened at those certain events unless you did your own deep research
tone: this tone was rather professional and informative than anything like i said before They were telling you rather than showing you what happened
message : the message was how successful Ben was in all the events that occurred
Focus: the focus was more on his life and how he felt and how he felt time was passing
Amount of detail: the amount of detail helped you imagen more of everything the amount of detail was very good here and helped you see what was going on less dry than the Bio
Use of language: At this aspect you can see that he took time to write his life out with consideration and his use of language here was very smooth and flowed very nicely together
Tone : his tone was more relaxed as he was trying to inform you as much as possible telling you his hopes and dreams growing up the things people said to him and turning points
Message: the message here was clear and inspiring he tells you how much better his imagination and life has gotten better all because he read and read he even got smarter and became a product of inspiration him self like he had hoped all his life
Hope this helps!!! ^-^
Answer:A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is used to express: ability, possibility, permission or obligation. Modal phrases (or semi-modals) are used to express the same things as modals, but are a combination of auxiliary verbs and the preposition to. The modals and semi-modals in English are:
Can/could/be able to
Must/have to