The characteristics of older workers' job performance as compared to their younger counterparts are:
- <u><em>Better problem-solving skills</em></u>.
- <u><em>Decreased motivation</em></u>.
<em>Worker performance</em><em>.</em>
Without a doubt, experience is a crucial factor in workers who have been in a profession or position for a longer time, so their <u>problem-solving skills</u> are far superior to that of new people who only have enthusiasm for their work.
On the other hand, it has been widely studied that the motivation for a job performed decreases as time passes, therefore it can be said, in general terms, that people with more time and experience in a job have less motivation to do it.
The other options are discarded since people, being older, have a greater possibility of getting sick and requesting days off, as well as, having less motivation for their work, they also acquire less satisfaction with the achievement.
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