Hamlet comments on Alexander the Great in this scene, because when he holds up Horatio's skull, he thinks about how it does not matter who a person is during his or her lifetime, all people are the same once they die. He goes on to describe that even a person as prominent as Alexander the Great will rot and decay like everyone else, regardless of his importance during his lifetime.
Using the vowel with no other markings.
When writing any essay, you need to plan. Look up the four square writing process. This will help you pick three main points to write about. Once you have those, you will place your story details (evidence, support, facts) under that topic. This will allow you to organize your writing, and will give you a vision for your thesis statement. The thesis statement should start with, “Gogol’s definition of home changes throughout the story in the following ways:...” and lost the three ways. Those are the topics of your body paragraphs. Start the essay with and introduction and end with a conclusion.
The personal problem that Milton examined in his poem Lycidas is how to deal with the loss of loved ones.
He wrote in that poem about his best friend who died, so it is a sort of a manual on how to get over your grief as well. It is an ode to his best friend whom he lost and couldn't forget, so he decided to commemorate him in a poem and thus he will live forever through art.
<span>As how The Inferno was written, you will see how
vague Gustave Dore was in describing the details of Lucifer. It’s seen that
Satan/Lucifer has no actual character, but rather a form of negativity and
mockery of the Holy Trinity. The body is also shown to be stuck up to the waist
which made it vague, but some experts agreed on the fact that it shows the
futility of people’s immobility towards their life if they don’t move on to
improve it. Therefore, it shows that Lucifer is being depicted as evil, and
that evil means a man being useless in their life.</span>