Aside from the student id, the student advantage discount card can be use by students to have discounts and can save money during college. The Student Advantage discount card offers discounts for retail,travel and entertainment with a membership fee annually.
"School, soccer practice, homework, and free time is an example of a schedule.
The number of total bytes in memory is 32,000 bytes.
How many total bytes in memory?</h3>
We know that the memory is composed of 8k (or 8,000) words of 32 bits each.
To get the total memory, we just need to take the product between the number of words and the memory that each has.
This will give:
8,000*(32 bits) = 256,000 bits.
But we want this in bytes so we need to change the units, remember that:
1 bit = 0.125 byte.
Then we have:
256,000 bits = 256,000*( 0.125 byte) = 32,000 bytes.
The memory has 32,000 bytes in total.
If you want to learn more about changes of units, you can read: