I think C because A is complete sentence, no need for brackets,be should be shortened and D(it was not until) not correct
She is creating a metaphor to convey the idea that love is hard won.
Cushion: Have you ever had a

Chew: I can't

Bushel: Their are dry measures of

Bamboo: I have seen a

Mildew: Are their any signs of

Soothe: I have

someone before.
Barefoot: I was running around outside

Renewal: Why is their a

in war?
Deconstruction of social norms
Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New World depicts society at multiple levels portraying humans at psychological and genetic inherent qualities. She explains how people are manipulated to accept the social norm genetically ascribed by their surrounding. It deconstructs the social norms and guidelines transcending into the world beyond imagination. The concept of free will has been extensively employed.
Children in the World state are encouraged to engage in erotic play and look at each other's naked bodies. She tries to cultivate the individual passions which lead to selfishness rather than selflessness. The world society doesn't have restrictions on sexuality and individual freedom. It doesn't treat nudity as a taboo rather accepts it as an integral part of the society.