Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
North and South America, Australia, and Antarctica are not the Old World.
Still, while women were highly valued participants in Mongol society, they still held less rank than their fathers, husbands and brothers. Work was divided between men and women; the men handled the herds and went to battle, and women raised the gers, made the clothes, milked the animals, made cheese and cooked the food. Men and women raised their children together. Children of the Mongols did not attend a school; rather they learned from their families the roles and work of men and women. Mongol children had toys and played games, much as children of any culture.
In a solid, atoms are packed tightly together and move very slowly. In fact, they do not flow at all: they simply vibrate back and forth.
It is the beginning to the Constitution which states the goals of the government.
Article 7 explains how many state ratifications are needed in order for the proposed Constitution to take place in the United States and how a state could go about ratifying the Constitution.