Julius Caesar was a renowned general, politician and scholar in ancient Rome who conquered the vast region of Gaul and helped initiate the end of the Roman Republic when he became dictator of the Roman Empire. Despite his brilliant military prowess, his political skills and his popularity with Rome’s lower- and middle-class, his rule was cut short when opponents — threatened by his rising power — brutally assassinated him.
Improved Bronze working and a vertical loom for making cloths.
It's known that Hyksos after invading Egypt in 1640 B, C.introduced bronze. Bronze used in making farming tools and weapons. Hyksos introduced new methods of making bronze and casting it into various tools and weapons.
A vertical loom for making cloths introduced from Syria. In the New Kingdom, depictions on the wall shows loom with weaver indicated the presence of it in the empire. The introducing of the loom in Egypt happen when Thutmose III brings Syrian war prisoners to work in the workshop.
C) He served as the high priest.
The Shang dynasty´s kings also performed a very important religious role. They led the worshipping of the god Di, the supreme ancestor, and communicated with him.
E. They feared being imprisoned for defying the British government.