Pamplets, writings, that sort of stuff
Should the US become a republic?
A new natural gas pipeline being built under the Baltic Sea from Russia directly to the German coast is shaking up geopolitics. Nord Stream 2, as it’s called, worries the bypassed countries in Eastern Europe, who fear losing transit fees, and is adding to friction with the U.S., which argues the link would give the Kremlin new leverage over Germany and other NATO allies. As the project nears completion, those trans-Atlantic tensions are building, with Donald Trump threatening to reduce the number of American troops in Germany partly because of the gas link.
Question 8 - Although it remains a serious issue, poverty results in very few deaths worldwide
The poverty is one of the biggest problems in the world. It is present pretty much everywhere in the world, though the highest poverty rates by far are in the less developed countries. The people in this countries are so poor that they often don't have food and water, yet alone to be able to pay for medical care. This often results in death from starvation, lack of water, of from deadly diseases. Tens of millions of people each year die because of poverty.
Question 9 - AIDS
The advancements in the medical field have contributed to control of some diseases that were deadly in the past, or total elimination of them. But the medicine has limited power, and it is not almighty, and one of the disease that it can not cure, but only partially regulate is the AIDS. The AIDS is a relatively new disease, starting off less than a century ago. It spread out very quickly though, as one of the easiest ways for it to be transmitted is through sexual intercourse. It affected people from all over the world, from all races, from all backgrounds and social hierarchies. Tens of millions of people have died from it, and every day there are tens of thousands newly infected, mostly in the less developed countries, having their lives doomed even before they start as most of them get it from their parents when they have been conceived.
I’m lost can u help find the Mac and cheese hope this makes you smile HEY whoa