The answer is c, hope this helps
Explanation:The material in the coaching clips will be included in the
Tómate un baño. Ponte los zapatos. Tiende tu cama. Sal de tu computadora. aspirar la casa. cepilla tus dientes.
translation - Take a bath. Put your shoes on. Make your bed. Get off your computer. vacuum the house. brush your teeth.
included - 5 sentences/commands, 5 different verbs.
Hot springs national park
Mount rainier national park
Gateway arch national park
Yellowstone national park
Mesa verde national park
Yosemite national park
For close to 50 years, educators and politicians from classrooms to the Oval Office have stressed the importance of graduating students who are skilled critical thinkers.
Content that once had to be drilled into students’ heads is now just a phone swipe away, but the ability to make sense of that information requires thinking critically about it. Similarly, our democracy is today imperiled not by lack of access to data and opinions about the most important issues of the day, but rather by our inability to sort the true from the fake (or hopelessly biased).
We have certainly made progress in critical-thinking education over the last five decades. Courses dedicated to the subject can be found in the catalogs of many colleges and universities, while the latest generation of K-12 academic standards emphasize not just content but also the skills necessary to think critically about content taught in English, math, science and social studies classes.