M ancha de esta
A sidua en su fibra
R igida en el viento
C obardia
O bvia impaciencia
S uya y solamente suya
Continuous light means that when you turn the studio lights on, they stay on like a video light or a flashlight. An obvious advantage to working with continuous light is that unlike strokes and monolights, which takes a great deal of practice to learn before you inherently understand what changes will look like in a shot, what you're saying in the real world with continuous lights will closely resemble the image that you're capturing.
Wooden or rattan furniture and handicrafts, woven abaca or pinacloth, and various handcrafted or carved toys and trinkets seen in rural regions, were manufactured from indigenous raw materials. Weaving is often done using natural fibers such as rattan, bamboo, nipa leaves, abaca, and pina.
Do you even know what an eight track is?
1.The Roccoco period
I'm still debating if the order for 1 and two are correct since Romanticism first was defined around 1800, and the Roccoco period was around the same time late 17th early 18th century. But since Roccoso seems to be defined first I would put it that way. Then impression around 1886, and cubism starting around 1907-08.