Hati yang bersih adalah hadiah dan matlamat. Orang yang Berhati Tulen adalah baik dan pemurah dengan orang lain tanpa motif tersembunyi. Ini bermakna mereka menunjukkan kasih sayang mereka dengan mengamalkan sikap tidak mementingkan diri sendiri
What are the steps?
Is this the question I’m supposed to solve? Doesn’t make much sense.
Answer: ran
Saunter means to walk in a relaxed manner or for someone to walk slowly. From the options given, strolled, walked and wandered ate incorrect as they are all synonyms and bit antonyms.
Therefore, the only antonym that we have among the options is ran.
In prima zi de scoala, un baiat pe nume Andrei care era cam somnoros. La ora 7:00 ma i-a spus baiatului :
-Andrei, scoala-te ! Astazi este prima ta zi de scoala !
Andrei raspunse balbait :
-Imi... este somn...
In cele din urma, Andrei s-a trezit si s-a dus la scoala.