because the curator wants people to look at the late 19 th century from a point of view different from what people mostly think about. Compare and contrast the works in this exhibition with Impressionist paintings.
Answer: The elements of art are important for several reasons. ... Secondly, knowing what the elements of art are, it enables us to describe what an artist has done, analyze what is going on in a particular piece and communicate our thoughts and findings using a common language
Explanation: The Elements of Art that we have discussed are all important in what makes a work of art interesting. Line, Color, Shape, and Texture can be used individually, or combined together to create more impact. It is the artist's decision in how they want to use them according to their style of art.
It is probably the first violin, which is kind of soprano-alike - the highest of the female voices.
The term that describes the optical trick of swelling columns at midpoint, which was used in the design of the Parthenon is entasis.
If you take a look at the ancient Greek columns, you will see that they are a bit wider in the middle - so the column is not completely straight, but rather swells up in the middle so as to "correct the visual illusion of concavity." It was often used by artists in the ancient Greek times.
What do you call someone wearing a belt with a watch attached to it?
A waist of time.
Did you hear about the guy who broke both his left arm and left leg?
He’s all right now.
Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn?
Because he had a great fall.