Use this space to objectively summarize the content of "Prevent Pedestrian Crashes." Describe what the text is about, how the te
xt is arranged on the page, how much information it includes about each topic, and how many topics it covers. You'll describe how the topics are organized in the next question. 2. Use this space to objectively summarize the structure of "Prevent Pedestrian Crashes." Which of the three text structures (topical, spatial, sequential) does it use? Or does it use a combination of text structures? What else do you notice about how the text is organized? 3. Use this space to subjectively summarize the perspective, purpose, and central idea of "Prevent Pedestrian Crashes." For each, explain the evidence that helped you make your inferences. • Perspective: • Purpose: • Central idea: 4. Identify and describe at least two smaller ideas that "Prevent Pedestrian Crashes" communicates — besides the overall central idea. These are subtopics that fall underneath the main topic. 5. Describe how the author of "Prevent Pedestrian Crashes" develops each of the ideas you identified in the previous question. How does the author use prose, text features, and text structure to clearly and effectively communicate each point? 6. Compare the way the author develops the first idea you identified in question 4 with the way the author develops the second idea. What are some key differences and similarities in the approaches?
For the first question: "Prevent Pedestrian Crashes" is about preventing pedestrian-car crashes. It presents us with helpful tips to stay aware of the dangers that come with walk near traffic. It covers about 2 topics including multiple subtopics going into more detail about the subject. Topic 1 includes tips and warnings about "Walking Responsibly", while topic 2 covers "Common Crash Types Between Pedestrians and Cars", it then continues to show and describe to us what types of pedestrian-car crashes, what causes them and how to prevent them.