A and C are exactly correct.
The upper course, middle course, and lower course are the three parts of the river.
The source of a river can be found on the upper course. The land is usually high and mountainous, and the river has a steep gradient with fast-flowing water. There is a lot of weathering and erosion. The rivers are divided into three parts: the upper part, the central part, and the lower part. The upper part is closer to the source of a river. The earth is generally high and mountainous, and the river has a steep gradient with water flowing rapidly. There is a lot of vertical erosion and inflexible weather.
The AOC was the first constitution, This document officially established the government of the union of the thirteen states.
The antitrust laws proscribe unlawful mergers and business practices in general terms, leaving courts to decide which ones are illegal based on the facts of each case. Courts have applied the antitrust laws to changing markets, from a time of horse and buggies to the present digital age.