The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics later dissolved into fifteen independent countries in 1991.Three of the them, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania declared their independence even before the demise of USSR in September 1991. The basic on USSR countries are here!
When the Puritans first landed at Plymouth Rock after fleeing from England out of fear of religious persecution, they soon began to differ in the ways they approached their ideology--this led to fragmented societies forming and claiming new land further east.
The main idea in Madison's federalist paper #51 is that checks and balances can and should be put in place in a federal government in order to keep any single branch from becoming too powerful.
In August 1920, he urged Indians to withdraw their children from British-run schools, boycott the law courts, quit their colonial government jobs, and continue to refuse to buy imported cloth. Now called "Mahatma," meaning "Great Soul," Gandhi spoke to large crowds throughout the country.
D. falling crop prices
The biggest factor that led to the Great Depression was the big drop in the crop prices. The reason why this happened was the bad planning of the agricultural sector and farmers. They managed to produce much more crops then what the domestic market demanded, but also more then what was demanded for export. This led to enormous surplus of crops, so the prices started to drop incredibly low. This created a chain reaction, so the whole economy started to crumble because of it, and in accordance to it, the national currency as well, leading to big inflation.