I would say that it's best to use D, compare and contrast. In a compare and contrast writing, two subjects are being compared and contrasted. Depending on how you organize your writing, you can talk about one subject first and then the other.
Lincoln was candid, sincere, empathetic, simple and clear. ... Some of the best examples of Lincoln's ability to communicate across a wide variety of audiences are not speeches, nor are they often read or studied by students. They include telegrams, public letters, and messages to his staff.
<span>“The Fall of the House of Usher” is the story of a sick man whose fears manifest themselves through his supernatural, sentient family estate. (Sentient means able to perceive things.) The story explores both physical and mental illness, and the effect that such afflictions have on the people closest to those who are sick. One interpretation is that much of the seeming “madness” of the main character does turn out, in fact, to be the cause of truly supernatural events. That is, he’s not crazy – his house really is haunted, and his sister really is back from the dead. Another interpretation is that the madness really is imaginary.</span>
I don't know if there are any options, but my first guess would be - image. In his early imagist phase, Pound wanted to get rid of abstractions that were nearly the sole focus of the 19th-century romantic poetry. Instead, he aimed for pure visual images as signifiers of the world around us. He preferred simplicity as opposed to complex philosophical concepts. For example, instead of writing about nature as a source of spiritual nourishment (such as the romantic would have done), he wrote a 2-line, free-verse poem about people who are standing in the station of a metro, waiting for their train to arrive, and resembling "petals on a long, wet bough". The whole poem is an image, absolutely devoid of abstractions.
C. assonance, because assonance is when two or more words close together repeat the same vowel sound but have different consonant sounds. In this case, the "ea" is repeated