1- Tus libros están en la mesa. <em>(masc. plural)</em>
2- Es su nieto. <em>(masc. sing.)</em>
3- Nuestros abuelos son simpáticos. <em>(mas. plural)</em>
4- Es mi primo. <em>(masc. sing.)</em>
5- Sus tíos son de Perú. <em>(masc. plural)</em>
hope this helps ☺☺☺
8. ¿A ti te gusta la pizza?
9. A mí me gusta practicar el tenis y dibujar.
Na anthology is a collection of elements that could be considered the best in the industry or topic. For example: you can do an anthology of poetry, you have to find the best poems, one of stories or legends, fables, essays, etc. . you can also issue; anthology of love poems or overcoming or patriotic, etc. It is important that the anthology includes the sources (references), a cover page with the name of the compiler and a good prologue or introduction; and of course, an index
Its parts
Anthology should be ordered as follows:
• Home: it must write all data of the person who prepared the anthology. • Dedication: a brief text in which homage is done people who supported him in carrying out his work or during their lifetime. • Presentation is an introduction in which the content of each of the chapters is exposed. In it, the writer discloses the criterion for the anthology and the purpose of this. • Prologue is a short essay in which the writer directs the reader to the works and seeks to earn their trust, so that it is interested yet more for the anthology. • Review: the short article describing a literary scientific text exposed in the anthology.
Its types
the writer or compiler may have different criteria for classifying an anthology, the classifications are: • Partial: it is only when the anthology does not meet all texts of one specific genre, but a selection of texts that have traits in common.
• Personal: when the compiler decides in its own discretion, characteristics or authors of each literary text to be included in the anthology.
• Arbitrary: when the inclusion of a written due to taste or desire compiler.
11. escribirá ... Traducirá ... Producirá
12. puso ... Llegue ... Hablaré ... Pondré
13. quería... podre ... Viajaré ... Visitaré