Because the ocean reflects off of the sky so technically the sky is white but sense the sun causes the ocean to reflect onto the sky, the sky appears to be blue.
Dominant- determines the dominant character, more frequently found in the population, produces the complete polypeptide, does not require the presence of a similar gene, more likely to be inherited, more prone to produce diseases
recessive- responsible for the recessive character, expresses the recessive trait, produces an incomplete polypeptide, requires the presence of a similar gene, less likely to be inherited, less prone to produce disease
Bacteria to amphibians. amphibians started to turn to fish and some started walking to land. They started laying eggs and turning into reptiles. those reptiles started growing hair turning them into four legged mammals. the mammals then turned to primates which evolved into us.
This process is mitosis. mitotic cell division is how they grow.
1 Tell them with videos the real dangers and effects of everyone of the drugs
2 Tell the parents to speak to them
3 inform them of the danger of sexual relations with people the do not know well
4 tell them that under no circumstances they should drive if the drink alcohol
5 Talk to them about the immense possibilities they have in front of them and they will get their dreams true if they work hard , they are honest and respect people .