Emma could be concluded that she is experiencing a transference. It is where the feelings of the individual has been shifted or redirected to a person of which is done in a way that she does not know or an unconscious way. It could be seen above as Emma shifted her feelings of feeling devastated of her brother's death to James in which she reminds him of his brother.
Constitution of 1890
The constitution of 1890 put literacy test as a requirement for people before they were allowed to cast their votes during the election.
At that time, the constitution was designed to reduce the power of minorities vote in the government.
A lot of black citizens during that time period did not have access to education due to their poor economic condition. As a result, black communities had a high illiteracy rate compared to white communities. This made a lot of black people unable to cast of their votes and choose their representatives within the government.
Some reasons for abolishing the Electoral College and introducing direct vote for the candidate are the following
1) voting would be more transparent and understandable to voters
2) voters might be more motivated to vote because their vote would have more direct influence
3) a sitation when a president did not get a majority of votes would not be possible (as it is now).
The court determine two verdicts for the people who live under a terror regime for a long period of time. Either the accused was innocent or was put to death.</h2>
Usually people obey for a time but then revolutionary government usually fluctuate or change. The people who opposed terror regime was punished by either sending to prison or even death.
North Korea is the only country that followed terror regime but most of the region believed, the people rise up and absolute ruler falls. This is the way how it works. The same thing can be seen in several Arab countries.
It was a dark and violent period of time during the terror regime. Later revolutionary government was taken control by Radicals. If they suspect anyone not to be loyal to the revolution are arrested and executed.
According to me, people should fight back to come out of this terrible situation. They should not adapt this terrible situation without fighting through them just to survive.