Answer: Increase in price due to shortage of goods
Inflation simply means when the prices of goods and services increase. Inflation can be as a result of the shortage of goods. When the quantity demanded for a particular good is more than the quantity supplied, this will lead to shortage thereby leading to sellers increasing the price of the available goods.
Also, when there is increase in the cost of the factors of production, this can also lead to the increase in the prices of goods which ultimately leads to inflation.
Clases = classes
<span>música = music </span>
<span>instrumentos = instruments </span>
<span>musicales = musical </span>
<span>piano = piano </span>
<span>guitarra = guitar </span>
<span>violín = violin </span>
<span>trompeta = trumpet </span>
<span>saxofón - saxophone </span>
<span>flauta = flute </span>
<span>músico = musician </span>
<span>profesional = professional </span>
<span>artista - artist / artiste </span>
<span>radio = radio </span>
<span>televisión = television </span>
<span>dólares = dollars </span>
<span>junio = June </span>
<span>julio = July </span>
In the advertisement "carpeta" is used incorrectly, it should be "alfombra"
Here is the translation:
<span>Music classes music lessons and musical instruments are offered . Piano lessons, guitar, violin , trumpet , saxophone and flute. The teacher is a professional musician. It is also artist radio and television . Classes are offered twenty dollars in the months of June and July. Come and be an artist of the red carpet ! -- hope i helped </span>
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are the answers.
No verbal: El maquillaje, los efectos de sonido, las indicaciones escritas en acotaciones, el decorado, la iluminación, el peinado y el vestuario
Lingüística: Los diálogos, el tono de voz, la música,