I would personally say that "one" would probably give up on life if there is no family(relitives), or if "one" is not financially healthy. Or suffering in types of ways such as, "no legs or arms", so "one" would say "there is no point in life now".
Hope i helped!
He was the most extremely talented person famously
D. they are choral music forms
In the motet, the author usually created purely original material, without taking other people's loans as in the mass. Important sacred genres, the madrigal, chanson, and anthem took the main instrumental forms of the era that were: the forms derived from vocal models, the dances one of the traditional functions of the instrumentalists. Improvising forms where musicians sometimes scored their most successful improvisations.
Yes if you want! But it looks great already :)
todas las imágenes en pantalla, incluida la iluminación, el encuadre, la composición, el movimiento de la cámara, los ángulos de la cámara, la selección de películas, las opciones de lentes, la profundidad de campo, el zoom, el enfoque, el color, la exposición y la filtración.