Stay the course is an idiom of the English language that means to persevere in the face of difficulty when the desired outcome is determined to be worth obstacles met along the way. This saying can be prescriptive, as a form of advice coming from another, or it can be a type of self affirmation, such as, “I must stay the course in order to succeed.” Most people know that life is tainted with hard times, and in order to survive, one must deal with the obstacles that life brings. In that way, this is a positive concept that ev
Irony: "I've got more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. ... Elie means that Hitler has kept his promise of killing off all the Jews, while God has not kept any of his to help.
The internet is the next step.
1. Viewpoint. They're trying to make you see things their way. They're trying to show drunk driving is bad.
2. The techniques are if it is persuasive or informative and this is more informative.
3. I know the techniques are effective, they make you not want to drunk drive because you'll get caught and possibly arrested.
Hopefully this helps. Sorry I'm late I just thought while I'm doing the assignment I might as well help you out. I just helped someone else out too.