You've received 5 points for helping moisescouch3481! Get more points by answering questions we picked just for you:How did the election of 1824 set the st
<em>Poetic Devices- he utilizes a great many representations after similitude.</em>
As in a large <em>portion of Leaves of Grass</em><em>,</em> Whitman depicts how all of humankind is a piece of the bigger picture, the <em>earth and the universe</em>.
It's a kind of remains to cinders, residue to clean idea written in his unimaginably wonderful way and <em>method for utilizing the English language.</em>
The idea is old; his way of composing around then, was new and remains new in light of the fact that he was such a <em>virtuoso author.</em>
bcuz then they would reallyy mess up
War of 1812. The War of 1812 (which lasted from 1812 to 1814) was a military conflict between the United States and Great Britain. ... However, in Canada, the war contributed to a growing sense of national identity, including the idea that civilian soldiers were largely responsible for repelling the American invaders.