Urban: located in a city; a densely populated area
Rural: located in a country; a sparsely populated area
urbanism: an emphasis on life, work...
Metropolitan area: a territory that spreads outward...
In 2003 the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was renamed to State Union of Serbia and Montenegro. The union peacefully broke up when Serbia and Montenegro became independent states in 2006, while Kosovo proclaimed its independence from Serbia in 2008.
The Sun is lowest in the sky with less radiation in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter solstice.
The Earth is not static, but instead it is involved in several different motions. One of those motions is the Earth's tilt. Basically, the Earth is tilted with one of its hemispheres (northern or southern) toward the Sun in half of the year, and then in the other half of the year it is tilted with the other hemisphere toward the Sun.
When one of the hemispheres, lets say the Northern Hemisphere, is tilted away from the sky, and that reaches the maximum, it receives the least solar radiation, and the Sun is the lowest on the sky. That occurs on 21 or 22 December, and it is known as the winter solstice. This date represents the start of the winter for the Northern Hemisphere, thus its coldest period of the year.
The four stages on Earth caused by the tilting are:
- spring equinox
- summer solstice
- autumn equinox
- winter solstice
Learn more about the Earth's tilt and its effects