“That same week was the International Music Festival in Cartagena. There were many parties and parades on the street.
Carolina and Magdalena decided to go visit a friend who was a scientist and they walked towards the exit of the hotel. When they saw the parades in the streets of Cartagena they put on costumes to try to hide, and so that the pirates would not recognize them.”
If you ever need help with translations or languages use google translate
Marisa -e
Mi sobrino -e
Yo -o
Nosotras -emos
Usted -e
Mi hermano y yo -emos
Tú y yo -emos
5- la habitación está desordenada porque no tengo tiempo de organizar los libros y papeles
6. Son las once de la noche, no puedo ir a la biblioteca ahora porque está cerrada
1. en el cuarto
2. escribes
3 en la cocina
4 la estufa
5 vas al. centro conercial?
6 en la binlioteca
Idk if this is it but that’s what showed up when i typed it in on google lol