The middle colonies, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware, mainly depended on fur trade and farming to bring money in (The Middle Colonies). Many people came to the middle colonies because of the diverse societies and opportunities (The American Promise). The middle colonies were known as the Breadbasket of North America because of the wide variety of crops (The American Promise, 133). They mainly made their money off of wheat though, as they grew it in abundance to make profit.
The Southern colonies, Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia, made most of their profit off of tobacco and other cash crops, they made good money as they were the wealthiest region! Not only was the southern region the wealthiest, but also the largest (The American Promise, 135). Unfortunately, this is due to the amount of slaves brought in to work for people in the southern colonies (135). Looking at this, it all makes sense. There were lots of slaves in the southern colonies as well as lots of crops. The crop and land owners needed people to take care of the crops, therefore they had the slaves...slave population would continue to grow through the years, with the biggest prevalence in the southern colonies.
The northern colonies' economies were shaped by farming, fishing, and trading (The American Promise, 127). Though the people of these colonies may not have made an abundance of money off of these things, they were able to get by. Colonists would trade extra crops with neighbors. Because of the location of the colonies, their main export was livestock (127). It was not easy to live in this area, but even under these conditions, they were better off in North America than they were in England (128).
A. changed the balance ofpower between state and national governments.
The people of Aksum became Christian because their king Ezana converted to Christianity.
In the year 325 AD. approximately, the king of Aksum Ezana, decided to introduce and foster Christianity in his kingdom. This decision can be attributed to the great relationship that Ezana had with her tutor Frumencio, who took care of his education since he was just a child.
Currently, both Ezana and Frumencio are considered saints by the Orthodox Christian church in Ethiopia.
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The credibility gap was a lack of trust or disbelief about what the Johnson administration told them about the war. How did doves and hawks differ? Doves were people in favor of the U.S. withdrawing from the Vietnam War while hawks believed the U.S. should continue its military efforts in Vietnam.
I see that children are up for sale and people are trying to sell them for a good profit. The children were probably really desperate because of famine or poverty or they just wanted to help there parents or they were forced to go and work for any price.