Answer: it was the shortest naval route between Europe and Asia.
The Goal of Great Leap Forward (1958-1961) was to quickly modernize China, and specifically to change it from an agricultural land to an industrialized one. One of the other answers could confuse but it's false :e<em>liminate traditional Chinese culture </em>refers to another great event under Mao: the Cultural Revolution (1966).
Socialism - an economic theory stressing government control of production
Capitalism - when businesses operate with little interference from the government
Minority - a group that represents less than half of a population
Proletariat - a system in which private individuals, not the government, own businesses
Laissez-faire - a term used to identify the working class in industrial societies
A. synonyms is big and large, since synonyms are words with the same meaning. B antonyms is hot and cold, since they have opposite meaning. C is room and house, since a room is part of a whole house. D is sun and sunburn, since the sun causes sunburn. E, is item and purpose, since a book is an item whose purpose is to be read.
Hugo Chavez was the President of <u>Venezuela</u> from Feb 2nd, 1999 to March 5th, 2013.