The tropical rain forests are the places on the land that have by far the highest biodiversity, both in plant and animal life. Because they have such a high biodiversity, and the vegetation is evergreen and constantly active, they have a huge effect on the global biosphere. They're the ones that increase the numbers and diversity on the planet, but also that huge biodiversity, especially in the plant life, contributes to higher levels of oxygen into the atmosphere, and that is very beneficial for all of the biodiversity on the planet. It is not coincidence that the Amazon rain forest, the largest in the present, is nicknamed ''the lungs of the Earth''.
The Ring of Fire is a major area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean. A large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur there.
b) Magma B
The magma that forms a basalt plateau or a shield volcano is a mafic (basaltic) magma. This magma is low in viscosity, making it very liquid, so when there's an eruption there's lava flows coming down the slopes like rivers, moving relatively fast. This type of magma has low content of silica, which is the reason why it is low in viscosity. The low viscosity also contributes to very small amount of gases in the magma, as the gases can escape from it very easily so they do not come in a situation to be trapped. The low amount of gases means that the volcanoes with this type of magma have calm eruptions, and explosive eruptions are either nonexistent, or extremely rare.
A region's vegetation is LEAST likely to affect the preservation of folk culture.
That is because the presence of vegetation in a given land, while it is featured in the local people's culture (represented in their pictorial arts or in their cuisine, for example), does not necessarily endanger the <u>preservation</u> of the culture as a whole.
However, if the economy and/or the agriculture are reliant on this type of vegetation, a change in the vegetation can have direct consequences on these activities. Similarly, if a plant is important in the people's diet, they are more likely to gather around the areas where the plant grows (distribution of population). And if the plant is less available, the population may stop thriving, reproduce less, and maybe emigrate (size of population).