The patient will have increased blood flow and decreased blood viscosity.
Thinning blood makes it, for lack of better term, thinner. This means it must have a lower viscosity. (For examples of viscosity, think of pouring out a glass of water versus a glass of maple syrup. The syrup has a much higher viscosity, and will take longer.)
As demonstrated in the above example, liquids with lower viscosity flow faster. This means the patient's blood flow will increase, as it will be easier for the blood to move through capillaries and the heart won't have to push as hard to move the blood through the body.
These results correspond with answer B or D, which, at the time of this answer, are identical. Whichever answer states increased blood flow and decreased viscosity is correct.
Endomysium is a thin layer of loose connective tissue which surrounds an individual myocyte or muscle fiber. Collagen is one of the most abundant protein found in this layer. Endomysium also connects the near by muscle fibers to each other. These fibers are then able to exchange various ions necessary for muscle contraction.
Above the level of endomysium, there is perimysium which forms the covering of a bundle of muscle fibers. Even above this level is epimysium which covers the whole muscle.
Hello! The interaction between the two system is an inter-dependent relationship. An example of this is that the heart pumps arterial blood to the circulation. The deoxygenated or venous blood returns to the lung where blood is oxygenated. Then the blood flows into the heart chambers and the cycle continues on.