February 22, 1732
George Washington was born at his family's plantation on Popes Creek in Westmoreland County, Virginia, on February 22, 1732, to Augustine and Mary Ball Washington.
The Austria-Hungary government saw the assassination as a direct attack on the country. They believed that the Serbians had helped the Bosnian terrorists in the attack. They made harsh demands on the Serbians which the Serbians rejected. At the same time, Russia began to mobilize their army to help protect Serbia. When Serbia rejected the demands, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. A few days later, Germany declared war on Russia to help its ally Austria-Hungary. Then France began to mobilize to help its ally Russia, and Germany followed by declaring war on France. World War I had begun.
Implemented limitations in the gov , reduced military expenditures and the Louisiana Purchase of 1803
The correct answers to these questions are the following.
According to the excerpt attached, the factors that drew Collier to military service were the following. She really enjoyed being enrolled in the military. She describes how she loved to be in the parades or the military uniforms. She says that indeed, she enjoyed everything that has to do with the military. That she had no problem with starting her day at 4:30 in the morning and being in the fields.
According to Collier, the behavior that she and other lesbian service members projected while on active duty was of discretion and mutual respect. She referred to it as "a survival instinct."