The 1848 Public Health Act was the very first law on public health to be passed in the United Kingdom. It established a Central Board of Health whose job it was to improve sanitation and living standards in towns and populous areas in England and Wales
Answer: D)
The Articles of confederation and the U.S constitution had lots of differences. Both varied in matters of the Executive Branch, Legislative branch, Judicial branch, The power of national government and the amendment. One major difference was regarding the powers of the national government was that in the Articles of Confederation, some states were completely sovereign. The consent of at least nine states was required by Congress to declare war. The concept of Federal Supremacy was missing. Congress also had no power to pass laws binding on the states. It also had no power to levy taxes.
3. Farmers, 5. Upper Lower, 1. life after death, 4. Step pyramid, 2. Giza.
the act of 1964 was Food stamps, which helped people afford food.