Dear Principal xyz,
I am not sure if you have noticed or not, but (school name)s sports equipment is completely dilapidated. I, as a student and sports player, am utterly concerned at the condition of the equipment. I’m terrified that one of the students here, or myself, are going to get injured while trying to do what we love. I am hoping that by bringing this to your attention, we could possibly find a way to work out a plan to receive new equipment. I personally believe that we, as hard working sports players, deserve that.
Thank you, kindly, for your time.
Student ID #
judge the purpose and message in a thoughtful way.
<em>express the main idea in a clear and specific way</em> – this is not the right answer. Evaluation is more complex and analytical than just the main idea.
<em>disseminate the contents to a wide audience</em> – this is not the right answer. Evaluation of the message doesn’t concern spreading it.
<em>judge the purpose and message in a thoughtful way</em> – <u>this is the correct answer. Media is used to convey a certain message through some of the tools</u> (radio, TV, internet, etc.) Therefore, its <u>evaluation concerns seeing the message and analyzing it, giving the judge of it at the end. </u>This includes possible critics or praise for the message, ways of conversion, tools, etc.
<em>communicate the information to a group of people</em> – this is an incorrect answer. Evaluation, as said before, does not concern the spreading of the information.
<span>The option that best describes the purpose of "Justin Lebo" is to entertain readers with an inspirational story. Justin Lebo was a person who liked to fix bikes and make new ones out of old parts. What he also liked to do is help those in need who did not have nearly as much as he did. So he would make new bikes and give them to other children who would very much enjoy to ride them and be happy for a change.It is very inspirational and tells us that anyone can do even a small thing to help someone else.</span>
This is a great start but add more detail, for example: You should go to Disneyland for your next holiday because of the great service. All the employees are super nice and the characters are super friendly. (**elaborate**)