It highlighted the sectional issues that divided the nation.
It put an end to the debate over states' rights.
The “nullification crisis” challenged the federal government's right to impose its own laws. A war was imminent.
These tariffs had been established to protect factories in the northern states against foreign competition. Southern farmers thought this was unfair.
Andrew Jackson, the president of the United States, issued a proclamation in which he warned that South Carolina's rejection of federal tariffs was an act of rebellion that could end in bloodshed. South Carolina responded promptly in preparation for war.
Helenus revealed a way to capture Troy to Odysseus.
Of the Greeks Stole the Trojan Palladium and brought bones of Pelops to Troy they could persuade Philoctetes and Neoptolemus to join the Greeks. Winning the war.
c) try to find new trade routes to Africa and Asia
Finding new trade routes to Africa and Asia is a good way to gain a competitive advantage over other European, rival states. This in fact what Portugal first, and later Spain, did during the later years of the 1400s.
The motivation was that the Ottoman Empire controlled the Eastern Mediterranean, and this prevented Western European nations from trading with East Asia and the Middle East with ease.
Portugal opted to look for new routes around Africa, and the Indian Ocean, while Spain decided to look for a new route throught the west, which led to the arrival of Columbus in the Americas in 1492.
Canada and all land east of the Mississippi River
The economy you described in your question is called a market economy. It has free markets and the production of goods and services are determined by the consumers.